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Registration Terms

Terms of Use

Circles of Learning eCademy is a school for adult lifelong learners. By joining together with others who share our passions, we can form meaningful friendships with other makers from all over the globe.

Through using our website and forum, you agree to the following stipulations:

1. In our forums and live classes, civil, positive and supporting behavior is absolutely required. 
2. Arguments will not be tolerated.
3. Political discussions will not be tolerated.
4. Name calling and bullying will not be tolerated. 
5. Disparaging comments about the work or opinions of others will not be tolerated.
6. Profanity will not be tolerated. 
7. Sharing of commercial patterns, or patterns of which you are not the author, or any other materials of any kind without the express permission of the pattern/material(s) creator(s) is strictly prohibited. You may post a link where the pattern/material(s) is/are found. It takes a great deal of work to produce a pattern or material(s) – please respect the designer.
8. Selling/advertising is strictly prohibited without our express permission.  Contact us for any inquiries thereto.

The goal here is friendship and kindness – no meanness allowed! 

Our guidelines are here for a purpose; we would love to keep this a friendly atmosphere where our
members feel safe and secure, where they feel free to discuss their interests and share passions, and
where they are treated with kindness and respect. 

Those who stray from our guidelines may be asked to leave, which would make us sad.

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